No words can be used to describe how much care and concern me towards you. I treat you as my true sister because I respect your righteous personality, dare to love and dare to hate. You are a reasonable person that you see and speak things in a fair way. I don't ask you too much because I know you would tell and share with me when you are ready. I know I may not be able to help in some aspects, but I am here anytime to give help and to listen. Me and F are in the same family with you. Be strong and I know you are. Call me, write to me so that I can share.
我覺得她很有昂山素姬 feel。清瘦的身影,但帶着鋼鐵般的意志,令人油然生敬。加上她言語不多,就沒甚麽廢話。所以她説話,大家都聽。她唱歌,更是鴉雀無聲,人人聽出耳油。那「天各一方」,這刻還在耳邊響起。
This "courage" of her is loud and clear. I didn't see the "strong minded" part until later. She does things she believes in.
It was this past February that I realized that she and I can communicate at an inner level. She replied to my emails catching all the emotions I had in mind. It reviewed that she had it, the experience, the turmoil, the struggles, and all. In a way, I was glad that someone felt it. Yet, I was sad that she had it. It takes one to know one. Nobody can imagine the pain without experiencing it. Sigh!
Her attractive face and beautiful voice will impress you deeply, not easy to forget. The beauty comes from the kindness of heart and intelligence of mind. And more, she is a feisty lively fun-loving little girl.
喂,喂,喂,其實個 Number 係幾多號啫?話比我知,等我記住唔好將佢up出嚟!
係咪 9 5 dup 8... 1 3 five 六 呀!
I pray that no matter how worse it will be, you will be better.